drpossum 7 hours ago

Cool putting teams at the top of that list but completely ignoring jitsi and no tags on self hosting. What makes this better than the autogenerated AI lists?

  • nikhil_twf 38 minutes ago

    Updated the list now with few more including Jits, check it out

  • nikhil_twf 7 hours ago

    Ah, completely missed jitsi. Adding it.

    Anything else missing?

    • drpossum 3 hours ago

      I appreciate you taking the time to go through these. It might take some leg work, but anything on privacy statements regarding data collection would be something I would filter on. That may be too ambiguous to do correctly, but what you have for "no account required" and "end to end encryption" (not sure if "point to point" is another good one) helps.