The article asserts conclusions without demonstrating that alternative conclusions are not equally likely. One example: educated women’s uneducated husbands command higher salaries. Is it that they married someone commanding a higher salary, or did their husband secure a higher salary through their wife’s encouragement, connections, intellect, higher SES (as associated with degree attainment), etc?
And of course the assumption ringing throughout this and quite a lot of marital research that people marry for the sake of being married rather than as a result of mate selection (eg, in suggesting those thirty percent of educated women just don’t have interest in marriage as a whole rather than lacking access to preferable mates).
This is grossly misogynistic and insulting. It's the same old idea that women "just want to settle down and find a nice man" dressed up with some graphs. The author has even managed to make it about men in the end.
This entire article is laughable. Back when I was in the dating pool, I encountered a couple of women that had this mentality that they would be dating down because I don't have a degree. Unbeknownst to them, I commanded a six figure salary and it was I who would be dating down had I stuck with them and their poor worldview. This mentality needs to just stop though, the idea of "dating down" or "dating up" is just nonsense.
The article asserts conclusions without demonstrating that alternative conclusions are not equally likely. One example: educated women’s uneducated husbands command higher salaries. Is it that they married someone commanding a higher salary, or did their husband secure a higher salary through their wife’s encouragement, connections, intellect, higher SES (as associated with degree attainment), etc?
And of course the assumption ringing throughout this and quite a lot of marital research that people marry for the sake of being married rather than as a result of mate selection (eg, in suggesting those thirty percent of educated women just don’t have interest in marriage as a whole rather than lacking access to preferable mates).
This is grossly misogynistic and insulting. It's the same old idea that women "just want to settle down and find a nice man" dressed up with some graphs. The author has even managed to make it about men in the end.
This entire article is laughable. Back when I was in the dating pool, I encountered a couple of women that had this mentality that they would be dating down because I don't have a degree. Unbeknownst to them, I commanded a six figure salary and it was I who would be dating down had I stuck with them and their poor worldview. This mentality needs to just stop though, the idea of "dating down" or "dating up" is just nonsense.
Education is just a proxy for wealth, just like extravagant vacation pictures on Instagram and nice cars.
Six figure salary seems "meh" when compared to Instagram which keeps showing women 3 figure millionaires and their daily routines in their mansions.
I don't like any of this, but that's how humans are and that's the world we live in.