42lux 12 hours ago

SMS were expensive so everyone looked for messaging alternatives that only use data. WhatsApp became the favoritr, but concerns about US companies (especially in the last months) have led many to migrate to Signal, the second most popular option. The Netherlands, with its relatively small population and relatively high population density, experiences stronger network effects than other countries.

  • hypothesis 7 hours ago

    > concerns about US companies (especially in the last months) have led many to migrate to Signal

    And then, footer at the bottom of signal.org says “Signal, a 501c3 nonprofit” which is clearly an American thing. Am I missing something here? Both look American from here.

    • nicd 6 hours ago

      They are not big-tech American, and as a non-profit, they aren't beholden to advertiser or investor interests.

8200_unit 11 hours ago

A lot of MDMA goes through the Netherlands