dang a day ago

Related. Others?

Effective Rust - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38241974 - Nov 2023 (10 comments)

Effective Rust (2021) - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36338529 - June 2023 (204 comments)

Edit: I've put 2024 in the title above because that's what the page currently says. But what's the most accurate year for this material?

  • Xaphiosis 15 hours ago

    Under Preface -> Rust Version, it says "The text is written for the 2018 edition of Rust", but it does seem released in 2024. Interesting.

musicnarcoman a day ago

While I am only a Rust novice it seems to me like the "2.2 Item 11: Implement the Drop trait for RAII patterns" could use some kind of mention of Drop-leaks. I learned about it at https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nomicon/leaking.html

  • Animats a day ago

    Rust destructors are interesting.

    - You can't export a reference to the thing you are dropping. You can do that in C++. This prevents "re-animation", where something destroyed comes back to life or is accessed beyond death. Microsoft Managed C++ (early 2000s), supported re-animation and gave it workable semantics. Bad idea, now dead.

    - This is part of why Rust destructors cannot run more than once. Less than once is possible, as mentioned above.

    - There's an obscure situation with Arc and destructors. When an Arc counts down to 0, the destructor is run. Exactly once. However, Arc countdown and destructor running are not an atomic operation. It is possible for two threads to see an Arc in a strong_count == 1 state just before the Arc counts down. Never check strong_count to see if you are "the last owner". That creates a race condition.[1] I've seen that twice now. I found race conditions that took a day of running to hit. Use strong_count only for debug print.

    - A pattern that comes up in GUI libraries and game programming involves objects that are both in some kind of index and owned by Arcs. On drop, the object should be removed from the index. This is a touchy operation. The index should use weak refs, and you have to be prepared to get an un-upgradable Weak from the index.

    - Even worse is the case where dropping an object starts a deletion of something else. If the second deletion can't be completed from within the destructor, perhaps because it requires a network transaction, it's very easy to introduce race conditions.

    [1] https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/117485

    • Rusky 21 hours ago

      > - You can't export a reference to the thing you are dropping. You can do that in C++. This prevents "re-animation", where something destroyed comes back to life or is accessed beyond death. Microsoft Managed C++ (early 2000s), supported re-animation and gave it workable semantics. Bad idea, now dead.


      > - This is part of why Rust destructors cannot run more than once. ...

      This is a very backwards way to describe this, I think. Managed C++ only supported re-animation for garbage collected objects, where it is still today a fairly normal thing for a language to support. This is why these "destructors" typically go by a different name, "finalizers." Some languages allow finalizers to run more than once, even concurrently, but this is again due to their GC design and not a natural thing to expect of a "destructor."

      The design of Drop and unmanaged C++ destructors is that they are (by default) deterministically executed before the object is deallocated. Often this deallocation is not by `delete` or `free`, which could perhaps in principle be cancelled, but by a function return popping a stack frame, or some larger object being freed, which it simply does not make sense to cancel.

    • hamandcheese 20 hours ago

      > Never check strong_count to see if you are "the last owner".

      This made me think of the `im` library[0] which provides some immutable/copy on write collections. The docs make it seem like they do some optimizations when they determine there is only one owner:

      > Most crucially, if you never clone the data structure, the data inside it is also never cloned, and in this case it acts just like a mutable data structure, with minimal performance differences (but still non-zero, as we still have to check for shared nodes).

      I hope this isn't prone to a similar race condition!

      [0] https://docs.rs/im/15.1.0/im/index.html

    • pjmlp 12 hours ago

      Managed C++ is pretty much around, kind of, as it got replaced by C++/CLI in .NET 2.0, is still used by many of us instead of dealing with P/Invoke annotations, is required by WPF infrastructure, and currently is on C++20 support level.

  • charlotte-fyi a day ago

    The important note here is that you can't rely on Drop running in order to satisfy the SAFETY comment of an unsafe block. In practice, in safe Rust, this knowledge shouldn't really change how you write your code.

  • loeg a day ago

    The big foot-gun here is mem::forget rather than Drop itself. Although yeah it is pretty surprising that is considered safe.

    • vlovich123 a day ago

      It’s not that surprising when you consider that “unsafe” only concerns itself with memory safety. mem::forget is not unsafe from that perspective.

      > In the past mem::forget was marked as unsafe as a sort of lint against using it, since failing to call a destructor is generally not a well-behaved thing to do (though useful for some special unsafe code). However this was generally determined to be an untenable stance to take: there are many ways to fail to call a destructor in safe code. The most famous example is creating a cycle of reference-counted pointers using interior mutability.

      • loeg a day ago

        Yes, thanks, I read the article. Nevertheless, it's still a surprising footgun.

      • milesrout 6 hours ago

        Leaking memory is unsafe. It was considered unsafe for decades: a prime example of the sort of problem you get in C or C++ that you avoid with automatic memory management. Lots of real crashes, stability issues and performance issues have been caused by memory leaks over the years.

        Rust initially advertised itself as preventing leaks, which makes sense as it is supposed to have the power of automatic memory management but without the runtime overhead.

        Unfortunately, shortly before Rust's release it was discovered that there were some APIs that could cause memory corruption in the presence of memory leaks. The decision was made that memory leaks would be too complicated to fix before 1.0: it would have had to have been delayed. So the API in question was taken out and Rust people quietly memory-holed the idea that leak freedom has ever been considered part of memory safety.

        • chlorion 3 hours ago

          The difference is that leaking is not UB, the worst case is an OOM situation, which at worst causes a crash, not a security exploit. Crashing is also considered to be safe in rust, panicking is common for example when something bad happens.

        • zesterer 3 hours ago

          I think that's a retcon. Rust people did not "decide that leaking is safe" all of a sudden, that's cart-before-horse. Rust's memory model was still in its early stages back then and there was a belief (in hindsight, a mistaken belief) that destructors could be used as a means to guarantee memory safety. This turned out to be poorly reasoned and so, to preserve a consistent model of safety for other code, it was decided that having safety rely on the invocation of destructors was unsound. It's not possible to do this without also having leaks be safe, so that's the world as it is.

          If "is leaking memory safe?" is an issue of contention for you, I'd suggest that it's a good idea to do some reading on what memory safety is (I mean that in all sincerity, not as a dunk). Memory safety, at least by the specific and highly useful definition used by compiler developers, is intimately entangled with undefined behaviour, but memory leaking sits entirely outside this sphere. This is as true in C and C++ as it is in Rust.

          • steveklabnik 2 hours ago

            Another example of how your parent isn't really being accurate, memory leaks are also possible in garbage collected languages, yet they have been considered memory safe since well before Rust even existed.

            It's not as if Rust invented the term "memory safety" or gets to define it.

        • vlovich123 3 hours ago

          Was Box::leak ever considered unsafe? std::mem::forget is very similar to that.

          Crashes, stability, and performance issues are still not safety issues since there’s so many ways to cause those beyond memory leaks. I don’t know the discussion that was ongoing in the community but I definitely appreciate them taking a pragmatic approach and cutting scope and going for something achievable.

      • PartiallyTyped 10 hours ago

        Unsafe is concerned with unsafe blocks. NonZero::new_unchecked requires unsafe even though it’s not concerned with mem safety.

        • vlovich123 3 hours ago

          I believe the optimizer will do optimizations in response to the NonZero which can trigger UB if it does contain a 0, which is a traditional safety issue for Rust which can have no UB in safe code. But even the value being corrupt (ie NonZero returning 0) can cause memory safety issues. But yes, Rust also uses unsafe to bypass enforcing invariants, which std::mem::forget isn’t.

    • 0x457 a day ago

      What's unsafe about implicitly "leaking" memory?

      • loeg a day ago

        Destructors do more than just free memory.

      • FpUser 19 hours ago

        Running out of memory and killing the OS I would guess unless the OS kills misbehaving process first.

johnisgood a day ago

Rust is so full of symbol soup.

is a very simple one, but there are ones with ~7 consecutive symbols, and there are a lot of symbols all over Rust code.

How come it is in demand?

Cool book though.

  • jeroenhd a day ago

    I agree that Rust can look pretty weird to an untrained developer when lifetimes get involved. But, in Rust's defence, I haven't seen any other language write down lifetimes more concisely.

    The underscore could've been a name if the name mattered, which would be required in many languages. Rewriting it to <'something>) may help readability (but risks introducing bugs later by reusing `something`).

    Many C-derived languages are full of symbol soup. A group like <?,?>[]) can happen all over Java, for instance. Many of these languages have mixes of * and & all over the place, C++ has . and -> for some reason, making for some pretty unreadable soup. The biggest additions I think Rust added to the mix was ' for lifetimes (a concept missing from most languages, unfortunately), ! for a macro call (macro invocations in many other languages aren't marked at all, leaving the dev to figure out if println is a method or a macro), and ? to bubble up errors. The last one could've been a keyword (like try in Zig) but I'm not sure if it makes the code much more readable that way.

    If you know other programming languages, the symbols themselves fall into place quite quickly. I know what <'_> does in Rust for the same reason I know what <T, R> T does in Java, while a beginner or someone who hasn't learned past Java 6 may struggle to read the code. Out of all the hurdles a beginning Rust programmer will face, the symbols are probably your least concern.

    As for books, the Rust book on the Rust website is kept up to date pretty well. There are books for programmers coming from various other languages as well.

    The language itself hasn't changed much these past few years. The standard library gets extended with new features, but a book a few years old will teach you Rust just fine.

    In many cases, changes to the language have been things like "the compiler no longer treats this as broken (because it isn't)" and "the compiler no longer requires you to write out this long definition because it can figure that stuff out itself". I'd recommend running a tool called "clippy" in your IDE or on the command line, if you can leverage a modern language feature for better legibility, clippy will usually suggest it.

    • dietr1ch a day ago

      > I agree that Rust can look pretty weird to an untrained developer when lifetimes get involved. But, in Rust's defence, I haven't seen any other language write down lifetimes more concisely.

      Can you do a lot better? I don't think so and it wouldn't help that much.

      The truth is that most of the time we want to rely on some inferred lifetime annotations, but will obviously need an escape hatch from time to time.

      Rust doesn't waste a lot of typing around the annotations, but if you were to improve Rust, you'd improve the implicit inference, not the syntax for being explicit.

      • flohofwoe 9 hours ago

        > Can you do a lot better? I don't think so and it wouldn't help that much.

        I think Rust could do a lot better inferring lifetimes if the compiler would be allowed to peek into called function instead of stopping at the function signature - e.g. if it had a complete picture of the control flow of the entire code base (maybe be up to a point that manual lifetime annotations could be completely eliminated?).

        IMHO it's not unrealistic to treat the entire codebase as a single compilation unit, Zig does this for instance - it just doesn't do much so far with the additional information that could be gained.

        • rcxdude 7 hours ago

          It's a dangerous option: Rust already has long compile times, expanding the space it has to analyze would only increase that. Not to mention you'd be much more dependent on the implementation details of a given function, and it'd become very messy. The fact that lifetimes have a specifiable interface is probably one of the main things that makes Rust's approach work at all.

          Rust has similar rules about type inference (of which lifetimes are a subset) at the function level as well. I think this was a lesson learned the hard way by Haskell, which does allow whole-program type inference, and how programmers working in it quickly learned you really want to specify the types at the function level anyway

          • flohofwoe 6 hours ago

            > Not to mention you'd be much more dependent on the implementation details of a given function

            Hmm, but wouldn't that already be the case since the manual lifetime annotation must match what the function actually does? E.g. I would expect compiler errors if the 'internal' lifetime details of a function no longer match its manual lifetime annotations (is it actually possible to create incorrect lifetime annoatations in Rust without the compiler noticing?)

            Higher compile times would be bad of course, but I wonder how much it would add in practice. It's a similar problem as LTO, just earlier in the compile process. E.g. maybe some time consuming tasks can be moved around instead of added on top.

            • steveklabnik 4 hours ago

              > is it actually possible to create incorrect lifetime annoatations in Rust without the compiler noticing?

              In safe rust, no.

              Full inference is one of those things that seems like a no brainer, but there are a number of other more subtle tradeoffs that make it a not great idea. Speed was already mentioned, but it’s really downstream from tractibility, IMHO. That is, lifetime checking is effectively instantaneous today, and that’s because you only need to confirm that the body matches the signature, which is a very small and local problem. Once you allow inference, you end up needing to check not just the body, but also the bodies of every function called in your body, recursively, since you no longer know their signatures up front. We tend to think of compiler passes as “speed” in the sense of it’s nice to have fast compile times, but it also matters in the sense of what can practically be checked in a reasonable time. The cheaper a check, the more checks we can do. Furthermore, remember that Rust supports separate compilation, which is a major hindrance to full program analysis, which is what you need to truly infer lifetimes.

              Beyond complexity arguments, there’s also more practical ones: error messages would get way worse. More valid programs would be rejected if the inference can’t figure out an answer. Semver is harder to maintain, because a change in the body now changes the signature, and you may break your callers in ways you don’t realize at first.

    • dbdoskey a day ago

      (not OP) I love rust, bu I just think that using ' for lifetime was a huge mistake, and using <> for templates (rather than something like []) was a medium mistake.

      There is something about how the brain is wired, that using ' for lifetime, just triggers the wrong immediate response to it.

      Something like this would look so much nicer IMHO [$_], compared to this <'_>.

      • Klonoar 19 hours ago

        I cannot imagine using syntax that’s largely reserved across languages for array indexing for such a completely unrelated topic.

      • j-krieger 10 hours ago

        > using <> for templates (rather than something like []) was a medium mistake

        I never get this take. Array indexing is done with []. This would just confuse the hell out of me.

        • estebank 3 hours ago

          It has the benefit of making the parsing of numeric comparisons unambiguous and trivial to parse. You'd use a different syntax for array indexing.

      • mmoskal 19 hours ago

        This comes from ML (as in SML or OCaml), where 'a reads "alpha" and is a type parameter.

      • dralley a day ago

        I completely disagree that [$_] looks nicer than <'_>.

    • colonial 5 hours ago

      re: try keyword in Rust - this is actually a thing on nightly, although instead of bubbling up errors directly, it creates a scope (within which ? is usable) that evaluates to a Result.

  • stouset a day ago

    Symbols are just other letters in the alphabet. Something like <‘_> is as natural for me to read at this point as any of the other words in this sentence.

    Math is also symbol soup. But those symbols mean things and they’ve usually been designed to compose nicely. Mathematicians using symbols—just like writers using alphabets—are able to use those symbols to concisely and precisely convey complicated concepts to one another.

    I guess my point is that symbols shouldn’t be looked at as inherently a positive or negative thing. Are they clear and unambiguous in their use? Do they map clearly onto coherent concepts? When you need to compose them, is it straightforward and obvious to do so?

    • jcelerier 21 hours ago

      > Math is also symbol soup. But those symbols mean things and they’ve usually been designed to compose nicely. Mathematicians using symbols—just like writers using alphabets—are able to use those symbols to concisely and precisely convey complicated concepts to one another.

      I just don't understand why one may take maths of all things as a positive example of something readable, when it's widely known to be utterly inscrutable to most humans on earth and even so many papers have differing conventions, using the same symbol for sometimes widely different or sometimes barely different things

      • pharrington 21 hours ago

        Literally every language is inscrutable to most humans on Earth. But they all work fairly well for those in the club that know them!

    • Etheryte a day ago

      I think many programming languages could benefit if we had an easy way to have both custom symbols and a convenient way to input them without extra friction. Take APL for example, once you know the language it's incredibly expressive, but the overhead to typing it is so strong that many use custom keyboards/caps.

      • jonahx a day ago

        Uiua (https://www.uiua.org/), broadly in the APL lineage, solves this problem nicely.

        Like APL, it has a set of well-chosen symbols, but each symbol has an english name you can type just as you would a function name in another language, and it's automatically converted to the symbol when you run it.

      • ufo a day ago

        I wish compose keys were more prevalent. There's something nice about typing -> and getting →

      • bombela a day ago

        To be fair the basic ASCII keyboard is also default in US/Britain. And most people assume that's all they get.

        I have always used the "international" version of the US English keyboard on Linux.

        And I can enter all common symbols pressing altgr or altgr-shift. I also use right Ctrl as a compose key fore more. I would be hard pressed remembering what combo to press, after years it's just muscle memory.

        But how do you find out what layout and what compose key does what? Good luck. It's as documented as gesture and hidden menus on iOS and MacOS. sigh.

    • johnisgood a day ago

      Well, I wish I could find the ones I have seen in the wild.

      Perhaps HRTBs and Fn traits, or double turbofish generics. I really cannot remember sadly.

      • stouset a day ago

        Even something like foo::<‘_, [T]>() is just not that hard to follow. Again, the symbols involved all compose nicely and are unambiguous. And frankly, you just don’t need something like that all that often (and when you do, there are usually other alternatives if you’re really put off by the symbols.

        • johnisgood a day ago

          Someone mentioned the use of ")?)?" (in terms of error handling), I am quite put off by this, too. :P

          Anyways, I will try to look for the code, it is somewhere in my comment history but I have left way too many comments, so no promises.

          • stouset a day ago

            I would one million percent rather type (and read)

            over something like

                if a, err := bar() { 
                    return nil, err
                if b, err := foo() { 
                    return nil, err
            But also even better is just

                let a = bar()?;
                let b = foo()?;
            • johnisgood a day ago

              I prefer ("if a, err := bar() {"), the same things you said applies here, too. I write a lot of Go and I can glance through it quickly, there is no cognitive overhead for me.

              Edit: actually, it was someone else who said this: "Human brain has a funny way of learning how to turn off the noise and focus on what really matters.".

              • stouset a day ago

                The difference is, there is no room for bugs with ?. Zero. None.

                I have fixed (and frankly, caused) many bugs in golang code where people’s brains “turned off the noise” and filtered out the copypasta’d error handling, which overwrote the wrong variable name or didn’t actually bubble up the error or actually had subtly wrong logic in the conditional part which was obscured by the noise.

                Frankly, learning to ignore that 80% of your code is redundant noise feels to me like a symptom of Stockholm syndrome more than anything else.

                One symbol to replace three lines of identical boilerplate is no less explicit and dramatically clearer.

                • jicea 14 hours ago

                  It's even nicer in Rust: there can be an "implicit" conversion between the error raised by foo and bar:

                    fn foo() -> Result<(),FooError>
                    fn bar() -> Result<(),BarError>
                  If FooError can be created from BarError, the compiler will insert the conversion call and errors bubbles up nicely.
                • johnisgood 7 hours ago

                  Is it not caught by the compiler or linter though? Even variable shadowing is caught.

  • dcminter a day ago

    > How come is it in demand?

    It's a curly-brace language with some solid decisions (e.g. default immutability) that produces static binaries and without a need for a virtual machine, while making some guarantees that eliminate a swathe of possible bug types at compile time.

    As others note, the symbol soup is something you learn to read fluently and isn't worth getting hung up on.

    Basically it occupies something of a sweet spot in the power/useability/safety space and got a decent PR shove by coming out of Mozilla back when they were the cool kids. I like it a lot. YMMV.

    • colonial 5 hours ago

      "Curly-brace language" is a good way to put it. Rust does an excellent job of cribbing features that aren't mainstream and giving them a more intuitive name and design.

      Most people will conk out if you start talking about how your language has "algebraic data types." But if you rephrase that as "we let you put payloads in your enum," well, that piques people's interest. It certainly worked on me.

  • airstrike a day ago

    <'_> is one of the most basic symbols in Rust. Reading that is almost like reading the letter 'a after just some very modest amount of time with the language.

    > How come is it in demand?

    Because there's a lot more to the language than just those not-really-unfamiliar symbols

  • gauge_field a day ago

    Rust's design is designed to be more in the mentality of if it compiles that it is good enough, leaving less for runtime issues to occur unexpected, dictated by type and memory safety. So, it requires more type info (unless you use unidiomatic unsafe code) and talking with borrow checker. But, once you internalize its type system and borrow checker, it pays off if you care about compiler driven development (instead of dealing with errors in runtime).

  • satvikpendem 21 hours ago

    Now try BQN (Advent of Code 2020 Problem 2):

        Split ←((⊢-˜+`׬)∘=⊔⊢)                                               
         input2←' 'Split¨•file.Lines "../2020/2.txt"  # change string to your file location
           f←⊑{(⊑)+↕1+|-´}‿{-1}  # Select the [I]ndex generator [F]unction
           I←{F •BQN¨  '-' Split ⊑}  # [I]ndices used to determine if the     
           C←{⊑1⊑}                   # [C]haracter appears in the             
           P←{⊑⌽}                    # [P]assword either                      
           Part1←(I∊˜·+´C=  P)¨        # a given number of times                
           Part2←(1= ·+´C=I⊏P)¨        # or at one of a pair of indices         
        •Show { Day2 input2}¨↕2
  • j-krieger 10 hours ago

    Initial Rust development set out to avoid symbol soup. With some switches in leadership, this was forgotten.

    • johnisgood 9 hours ago

      Thanks, this is interesting to know.

      • steveklabnik 4 hours ago

        Fwiw I don’t think your parent is lying but I also don’t feel it’s really accurate. If you read https://graydon2.dreamwidth.org/307291.html for example, there’s some references that imply this, but it’s not really that “less symbols” was a goal so much as it is a secondary effect of other choices. Graydon wanted a simpler language and that implies simpler syntax, not the other way around. Even the grammar bit isn't really about "symbol soup."

        Early Rust had other sorts of things that a lot of folks would consider readability problems unrelated to symbols too: no keyword was allowed to be over five characters, so return was ret, continue was cont, etc.

  • dhruvrajvanshi a day ago

    > How come it is in demand?

    Because it's a complicated language for building extremely low level things, when you have no other choice. IMO it's not the right tool for high level stuff (even though it does have some stuff which higher level languages should probably borrow).

    The only other language that directly competes with Rust IMO is C++, which is equally full of symbol soup.

    • worik a day ago

      > IMO it's not the right tool for high level stuff

      I thought that for a long time. But as time passes and I spend more time in languages like Typescript (Semi-Type Script more accurately) and Swift the more I yearn for Rust.

      It is not the right tool for scripting, true.

      • dhruvrajvanshi 11 hours ago

        I think most server type software can trade off the borrow checker for a GC while still benefiting from other Rust stuff.

        IMO there's still need for a higher level Rust where you don't need that last 20% of the performance and control.

        Some people say that OCaml is the high level rust, but I think it's got a lot of gaps which rust doesn't.

        • colonial 5 hours ago

          Where OCaml lost me was the packaging and building story. Dear Lord am I spoilt by Cargo.

          Nice language otherwise.

      • gauge_field 21 hours ago

        Yeah I feel that, not the entire language but, many of its choices, like error handling, sum types (with exhaustive enum matching) especially when writing in python.

        • dhruvrajvanshi 11 hours ago

          Yeah this is the stuff I meant when I said high level languages should borrow from Rust.

          It's also good to remind people that these things were borrowed by Rust from other languages too. Primarily the ML family of languages.

    • timeon a day ago

      I find it fine for high-level stuff as well. I never get complaining about syntax (in any language).

      • dhruvrajvanshi 11 hours ago

        Thats your opinion and I respect it. Especially the bit about complaining about syntax. There's no ther language directly competing with rust which had less syntax.

        My opinion is that in Rust you have to make decisions on certain things which are take n for you by the garbage collector in other languages.

        Should you store a reference or value in your struct? You can't just change it without modifying other places. I understand that this gives you the control to get the final 20% of performance in certain places but it's still lower level than other languages.

        You could say just spam Arc everywhere and forget about references, but that itself is a low level decision that you make.

      • johnisgood 9 hours ago

        Syntax matters though, just like how some people do not like Lisp because of its parentheses.

  • kshri24 a day ago

    Lifetimes and annotations only look like symbol soup initially (when you have little to no experience in Rust). The more proficient you become in Rust more you end up ignoring it completely. Sort of like ads you see (or don't) in Search. Human brain has a funny way of learning how to turn off the noise and focus on what really matters.

  • DistractionRect a day ago

    It's more batteries included and the packaging ecosystem story is better than alternatives. Certain safety guarantees are a nice to have.

    If you just want a better c/c++ afaik that's zig, but I have no experience with it

    • no_wizard a day ago

      An aside question I have is what’s the best beginner Rust book out there that is up to date?

      I been learning Rust off and on and I have a more serious need to get up to speed with it but I’m unsure where it’s best to start in this way

      • kshri24 a day ago

        In this order:

        1. The Rust Book (Free) - https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/

        2. Rust by Example (Free) - https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/

        3. Rust Atomics and Locks - https://marabos.nl/atomics/

        4. Rust in Action - https://www.rustinaction.com/

        5. Rust for Rustaceans - https://rust-for-rustaceans.com/

        Also Jon Gjengset's channel is immensely valuable: https://www.youtube.com/c/JonGjengset

        • akkad33 a day ago

          What do you think about Rust for Rustaceans? I read it and there are very niche and useful information there about Rust that I didn't see anywhere. It's a solid book but for a book about programming there are so few real code examples that it can come off dry. I just bought Rust atomic and locks and it seems exercise based, so I'm excited to finish it. The first chapter seems promising

          • timeon a day ago

            As title implies, Rust for Rustaceans is not for those that are just starting with the language.

          • kshri24 21 hours ago

            You are right about it not being a beginner friendly book. Hence why I placed it lower in the order of books to study.

            Yeah Rust atomics and locks is essential if you truly want to understand low-level concurrency. But you might have to also refer to the C++ std::atomics reference [1] to get a complete idea. It took me a while to grasp those concepts.

            [1]: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic/atomic

        • crablearner a day ago

          I have a hard copy of Programming Rust by Jim Blandy et al would that slot in nicely anywhere here?

          • thesuperbigfrog a day ago

            "Programming Rust" by Jim Blandy et al was the book that really helped me to understand why many of the design decisions behind the implementation of Rust were made.

            I found it more approachable than some of the other Rust books and highly recommend it as a first Rust book.

          • abenga 14 hours ago

            Programming Rust is the best beginner Rust programming book in my opinion, followed by the official book. It has more detail and better examples.

          • kshri24 21 hours ago

            Unfortunately, I haven't read Programming Rust. The list includes just the books I used to learn Rust. But will definitely give Blandy's book a read. Thanks for the recommendation!

      • smodo a day ago

        The Rust Programming Language does a great job imho. It got me up to speed by reading it before bed for a month. I’d never written C/C++ before, just a lot of Python. It starts out really simply by explaining the type system and the borrow checker. Take it from there and do a couple of side projects, I’d say.

      • airstrike 20 hours ago

        Write an `iced` app, is my suggestion. You'll learn some of the best of what Rust has to offer

    • codr7 a day ago

      C/C++ are two very different languages.

      Zig seems to follow the C tradition, and Rust C++.

      • akkad33 a day ago

        Why do people say Rust follows the tradition of C++? Rust follows very different design decisions than C++ like a different approach to backwards compatibility, it does not tack on one feature on top of another, it is memory safe etc that are very different from C++. If you are just comparing the size of language, there are other complex languages out there like D, Ada etc

        • majoe an hour ago

          For me the defining feature of C++ are its move semantics. It permeates every corner of your C++ code and affects every decision you make as a C++ developer.

          Rust's defining feature is its borrow checker, which solves a similar problem as move semantics, but is more powerful and has saner defaults.

        • flohofwoe 6 hours ago

          The one big (and IMHO most problematic) thing that Rust and C++ have in common is the desire to implement important core features via the stdlib instead of new language syntax. Also both C++ and Rust use RAII for 'garbage collection' and the 'zero-cost-abstraction promise' is the same, with the same downsides (low debug-mode runtime performance and high release-mode build times).

          • steveklabnik 4 hours ago

            While I don’t disagree that there’s a similar desire regarding libraries vs syntax, Rust is also more willing to make things first class language features if there’s a benefit. Enums vs std::variant, for example.

        • worik a day ago

          > Why do people say Rust follows the tradition of C++?

          They mean the domain that Rust is in.

          Before Rust there was only C or C++ for real time programming. C++ was an experiment (wildly successful IMO when I left it in 2001) trying to address the shortcomings of C. It turned out that too much of everything was in C++, long compile times, a manual several inches thick, huge executables. Some experiments turned out not to be a good idea (exceptions, multiple inheritance, inheritance from concrete classes....)

          Rust is a successor in that sense. It draws on the lessons of C++ and functional programming.

          I hope I live long enough to see the next language in this sequence that learns form the mistakes of Rust (there are a few, and it will take some more years to find them all)

          • johnisgood 7 hours ago

            Some of C++'s warts are still available in Rust, though, such as long compile times. Additionally it encourages using a lot of dependencies, too, just like npm does.

            Anyways, I dislike C++, it is too bloated and I would rather just use C.

          • pjmlp 5 hours ago

            It was no experiment at all, it was Bjarne Stroustroup way to never ever repeat his downgrade experience from Simula to BCPL, after he started working at Bell Labs and was originally going to have to write a distributed systems infrastructure in C.

            Also there have been alternatives to C and C++, even if they tend to be ignored by most folks.

    • worik a day ago

      > the packaging ecosystem story

      I love Rust, I am a devotee and an advocate.

      But the packaging system, more importantly the lack of a comprehensive system crate, is one of the greatest weaknesses of Rust.

      A simple programme can pull in hundreds of crates from goodness knows where and by Dog knows who, for all sorts of uncertainties.

      There are work arounds, but they eat up time that could be used far more productively

    • KerrAvon a day ago

      Zig is not yet stable enough to base a long-term project around, unless something's changed very recently.

      If you really only want a better C/C++, use C++ and amp up your use of safer types (or consider D).

      • flohofwoe 6 hours ago

        Zig doesn't promise language or stdlib stability yet, but in reality the changes are quite manageable. And it's already good enough for some high-profile real-world projects like Bun (https://bun.sh/), Tigerbeetle (https://tigerbeetle.com/) or Ghostty (https://ghostty.org/).

        In the end, language stability isn't as important as it used to be, people are quite used to fixing their code when upgrading dependencies to a new major version for instance.

        • pjmlp 4 hours ago

          It remains to be seen if any of those projects will be around in a couple of years.

          I haven't yet seen something that would make me have to consider Zig, regardless of my personal opinion, like other languages that have grown to become unavoidable.

  • BrouteMinou a day ago

    You become used reading this. Typing it is such a pain; I mean real pain like muscle pains.

    I developed some muscles I didn't know I had.

  • hardwaregeek a day ago

    Rust's syntax isn't gonna win any awards, but it looks sufficiently like C++ to hide that Rust is essentially an ML variant with linear types.

  • ramon156 12 hours ago

    Its not required. There's a high chance you can avoid writing explicit lifetimes, it's just another tool for you to use

  • LtdJorge 19 hours ago

    It was designed to be used with syntax highlighting and LSPs. The highlighting makes it pretty easy to read for me. Although there are some arcane generics with lifetimes that can be indecipherable in some libraries.

  • booleandilemma a day ago

    What is this constant push in software development to dumb everything down to the lowest common denominator?

    I don't see it in other fields, at all.

    • codr7 a day ago

      I have to say I have no trouble seeing it absolutely everywhere.

    • johnisgood 9 hours ago

      I am against dumbing things down, too (although I do not see its relevance to my comment), but for example I have no issues with OCaml, C, Factor, Ada, Common Lisp, etc. It is just a personal preference anyways.

    • the_gastropod 18 hours ago

      Off the bat: I like Rust. I'm still very much a novice with it, but I enjoy it.

      But almost the entirety of Computer Science is based on abstractions because they're helpful to "dumb down" some details that aren't super-important for our day-to-day work. E.g., writing TCP protocols directly is Assembly would be too fine-grained detail for most people's usual work, and using some existing abstraction is "good enough" virtually all of the time (even though we might be able to optimize things for our use-cases if we did drop down to that level)

      There exists programming work where fiddling with lifetimes is just too fiddly to be worthwhile (e.g., web development, probably is more than fine using a good ol' garbage collected language). This isn't about "dumbing down" anything, it's about refocusing on what's important for the job you're doing.

    • worik a day ago

      > dumb everything down to the lowest common denominator

      What do you mean?

  • thrance a day ago

    Wait til you learn about APL...

    Seriously though, I immediately parse it as "generic bounds containing the erased lifetime, close parenthesis". It's not a big deal.

    And of all the critics one might have on Rust (or any other programming language), "too much symbols" appear like a weak one.

thurn a day ago

Kind of surprised that this book could be published by O'Reilly and also freely available online? Seems unusually generous.

  • darthrupert a day ago

    Possibly a sign of confidence. After browsing this for a few minutes, I'm very convinced of its quality and will probably buy it.

    Wouldn't have happened with a book with just sample pages.

    • jjallen a day ago

      Why buy it if it’s completely free which is implied by your post?

      • kshri24 a day ago

        To support the author. And as a way of saying thank you.

      • WD-42 a day ago

        The last 2 books I’ve bought (ostep and nand2tetris) are available online. Hard copies are nice and personally seeing it on my desk gives more more motivation to finish them.

      • dcminter a day ago

        Because we all know what happens if we're not the customer.

        I have this; I bought it because I want to reward the author for producing a quality work, and because I want to encourage the publishers to produce other works that would appeal to me.

        I also happen to like physical texts so I bought the paperback but I have this and the digital edition. The latter is convenient for when I am travelling and appropriately formatted for an eReader (not just the raw html from these pages).

      • vaylian a day ago

        Because the people want to show appreciation for the good work the author has done?

      • codr7 a day ago

        True for digital copies, I've never yet bought one of those.

        I have no trouble paying for physical books though.

      • darthrupert a day ago

        Because I have written a book and thus know how much work it is to write even a mediocre one.

        Also as a way to increase my motivation to read it.

        Plus I have money. This book costs about as much as a good bottle of wine or a bad bottle of whiskey.

        • dcminter a day ago

          > Plus I have money. This book costs about as much as a good bottle of wine or a bad bottle of whiskey.


          A few years ago I did a really aggressive weeding out of my bookshelves as things were getting far too cluttered. In the process I threw out what must have been - at cover price - several thousand pounds worth of IT related books.

          On the resale market they were all too stale to have any value (though I did manage to give a handful away to friends). In one way it was a bit painful, but those few thousand pounds worth of books has given me a huge (financial) return on that investment!

          Cheap at the cost of a good bottle of wine ... for the foundations of a career!

      • smodo a day ago

        The book isn’t free, its contents are published online by the author. Yes, nitpicking. But (1) I like a well formatted epub and (2) the author/publisher still hold copyright.

      • akkad33 a day ago

        I want to read on Kindle or own the book.