sillystuff 4 hours ago

Searched for author, she is with the Heartland Institute.

Second link returned on search for Heartland Institute:

It appears this article is just some petroleum/plastics industry funded propaganda. The article pretty much screamed total B.S., but always nice to confirm suspicions.

I'll keep my eye out for a future Heartland Institute article on phthalate exposure from plastics and the DNA damage / cancers caused being a good thing! Maybe they will go with a eugenics angle. I wonder how these corporate hacks can sleep at night.

slater 4 hours ago

Is that a parody site?

Edit: oh, you’re the same account that posted the other “plastics actually good, did you know???” article earlier today

  • bediger4000 4 hours ago

    The wise man would examine both poster's history, and other articles from that site before deciding.